Día Zeitgeist: 15 de Marzo de 2009
Hoy, 15 de Marzo, se lleva a cabo la Reunión Anual del Movimiento Mundial Zeitgeist.
En 2008, tuvimos más de 1800 eventos en 70 países. Este año, mejoraremos el impacto del mensaje del Movimiento Zeitgeist e incorporaremos, también, la visión del Proyecto Venus, al cual le damos todo nuestro apoyo.
Durante el 2009, archivos gratuitos serán lanzados a Internet conteniendo:
1. DVD "Zeitgeist, the movie" con subtítulos en más de 17 lenguajes.
2. DVD "Zeitgeist Addendum" con subtítulos al menos en 10 lenguajes.
3. El Manual PDF del Movimiento Zeitgeist.
4. Una presentación de imágenes de aproximadamente 30 minutos que puede ser traducida a cualquier lenguaje (haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para cubrir al menos 5 lenguajes). Esta presentación puede ser utilizada por cualquiera que quiera presentar las ideas de esta nueva dirección en su área. La presentación será respaldada con el Manual del Movimiento Zeitgeist.
5. Folletos promocionales / Trailers / Otros
La idea, hacé tu parte
La mejor idea es encontrar un espacio, conseguir un proyector, y presentar el material digital a tu audiencia. También podés mostrar los films de la misma manera. Depende de vos.
La meta
Desatar una conciencia global sin precedentes de una nueva posibilidad para la humanidad.
Zeitgeist, Oficial (con subtítulos en español)
Zeitgeist: Addendum, Oficial (con subtítulos en español)
¿Tenés una familia que alimentar, un futuro que forjar? ¿Tenés una casa que pagar, un trabajo que conservar? ¿Estás de acuerdo con el pensamiento Zeitgeist, pero no sabés por donde comenzar?
* Educate a vos mismo. Informate, observá, leé, buscá nuevas fuentes de información. Hacé tu propio análisis de la realidad.
* Internet tiene mucha información. Aunque también la biblioteca de tu pueblo la tiene. Leé dos o tres diarios si podés y analizá la información que te dan.
* Acercate a las universidades, a las escuelas, en general ningún alumno o profesor se va a negar a responder a cualquier pregunta sincera.
* Se crítico y objetivo en las charlas con otras personas al respecto de tus ideas. Debés aprender a distinguir falacias en las ideas propias y ajenas (razonamientos falsos) que conducen a conclusiones erróneas. Tan solo en wikipedia hay buena información para comenzar a ejercitar nuestro razonamiento correcto. Te sorprenderás a descubrir falacias por todos lados.
* Replanteate las ideas que ya considerás automáticamente como validas o correctas, limpiá los paradigmas que te acompañan.
* Ayudá a otros a educarse, aunque a uno le parezca obvio hacer una búsqueda en internet, hay seguramente mucha gente a la que podremos ayudar incluso en esto, podremos proveer herramientas y métodos para que cada uno genere su propio desarrollo educativo y cultural. Recordá que también hay gente que no sabe o no puede leer.
* Consumí alimentos que se produzcan en tu región. Ahorrarás en transportación, energía y blanqueo de dinero al pasar comida de un proveedor a otro.
* Comé comida orgánica / biológica. Ayuda a mantener los recursos naturales del planeta en su estado natural. Además tendrás el sabor de la naturaleza justo en tu paladar.
* Producí parte de tus alimentos, agricultura en casa, un departamento no impide poder hacerlo, comerás más sano y contribuirás con la sociedad en muchos factores; producción, menos transporte, contaminación, uso eficiente de tus propios recursos.
Hábitos en el hogar
* Cierra la canilla de agua cuando estas cepillándote los dientes y cuando no estés enjuagándote en la ducha.
* Ventanas con cortinas ayudan mucho a bajar el consumo de calefacción.
* Los alimentos en la heladera guardados al vacio, o bien cerrados en recipientes que no contengan mucho aire duran mucho más.
* Cociná tus propios alimentos, volver a la cocina es muy beneficioso en varios aspectos, económico, ambiental, cultural y social.
* Antes de pagar por algún servicio en el hogar, consultá, busca en internet, hay muchas cosas que podés hacer tu mismo.
* Leé la publicidad de precios de productos, por ejemplo de los supermercados y tiendas que de tanto en tanto sacan buenas ofertas, pero SOLO compra lo que fuiste a buscar, lo que tenias interés de comprar por la oferta. Mientras exista el dinero (vos tenés que ser el dueño de tu propia administración).
* Conseguile alguna calcomanía Zeitgeist a tu vehículo.
* Escribí "Zeitgeist" sobre tus notas bancarias (Billetes).
* Tratá de comprar y vender lo mínimo posible.
* Cancela tus cuentas bancarias, usa una si aún lo necesitas, pero no tomés crédito alguno.
* NO USES Tarjetas de crédito.
* NO compres bienes y servicios con ningún crédito, ni en varios pagos aunque la taza de interés sea 0%.
* Apaga la televisión y la radio, olvidate del zapping como forma de desconectar o relajar.
* Busca medios independientes de información. Tomá el hábito de buscar información en más de un medio y luego sacá tus conclusiones.
* Migra a LINUX, este es un paso importante en el desarrollo de una nueva sociedad. Te va a parecer extraño al comienzo pero cuando lo conozcas y comiences a trabajar con Linux no vas a querer cambiarlo. Si encuentras limitaciones en relación a tu sistema operativo previo, replanteate la situación y buscá alternativas. Linux te empuja un poco a pensar a ser vos nuevamente. Existen varias distribuciones gratis, googleá Linux y encontraras de todo.
* Usá softwares gratis.
* Usa una licencia de fuente abierta (Sin marca registrada) foramtos y codecs (ver 1)
* Usa un celular fuente abierta
* Disfrutá Comunes música, films, fotos, arte creativa autorizada.
* Help in an open source / creative commons project, community project, technocrats project
* Creá y distribuí gratuitamente
* Cambia tu ocupación si no contribuye al bien de la humanidad y del medio ambiente.
* Inspirá a unirse a desobediencia civil no violenta.
* No aceptes usar ropa con marcas.
Tomado de Addendum:
1) Denunciar a los bancos por fraude. Citibank y JP Morgan Chase y Bank of America son los más poderosos dentro de los controladores de la Reserva Federal corruptas. Es tiempo de boicotear estas instituciones (o su equivalente en otros grandes bancos de los países). Si usted tiene una cuenta bancaria o una tarjeta de crédito con cualquiera de ellos, mover su dinero a otro banco. Si tiene una hipoteca, refinanciar con otro banco. Si usted es dueño de sus acciones, venderlo. Si usted trabaja para ellos, renunciar. Este gesto expresa desprecio por el verdadero poder detrás de la banca privada cártel, conocido como la Reserva Federal. Y crear conciencia sobre el fraude de la banca en sí.
2) Apague la TV Noticias. Visita nuevas fuentes de información, independientes de las agencias de noticias. En Internet las encontrara para su información. CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX y todas las demás, todas las noticias actuales, de pre-filtrado para mantener el statu quo. Con 4 empresas propietarias de los principales medios de comunicación, la información objetiva es imposible. Esta es la verdadera belleza de la Internet y la creación se ha debido de perder el control de este libre flujo de información. Debemos proteger a la Internet en todo momento, ya que es realmente nuestro salvador ahora.
3) No permitir nunca a ti, tu familia, o alguien que usted sabe ... a unirse cada vez, los militares. Esta es una institución obsoleta, ahora se utiliza exclusivamente para el mantenimiento de un establecimiento que ya no es pertinente. Soldados de EE.UU. en Iraq, EE.UU. trabajo para las empresas, no las personas. La propaganda nos obliga a creer que la guerra es natural, y el ejército es una institución honorable. Bueno, si la guerra es natural, ¿por qué hay 18 suicidios por cada día de América veteranos, que tienen el trastorno de estrés postraumático? Si nuestros militares hombres y mujeres son tan honrado, ¿por qué es que el 25% de la población sin hogar de América son los veteranos.
4) dejar de apoyar a las empresas de energía. Si usted vive en una casa, baje la malla. Investigar todos los medios de hacer su casa con auto-sostenible de energía limpia. Solar, eólica y otras energías renovables son ahora asequibles, los consumidores y teniendo en cuenta la realidad de nunca acabar, el aumento de coste de las energías tradicionales, que probablemente será una inversión más barato a través del tiempo. Si usted conduce, obtener el coche más pequeño que puedas, y considerar la posibilidad de utilizar una de las muchas tecnologías de conversión que permitan su coche a un híbrido, eléctrico o ejecute en cualquier cosa distinta de Establecimiento combustibles.
5) Rechazar el sistema político. La ilusión de la democracia es un insulto a nuestra inteligencia. En un sistema monetario no hay tal cosa como una verdadera democracia ... y nunca lo fue. Tenemos 2 de propiedad de los partidos políticos por el mismo conjunto de grupos de presión corporativos. Se colocan en sus posiciones por las corporaciones, con la popularidad, artificial proyectado por sus medios de comunicación. En un sistema de corrupción inherentes, el cambio de personal cada dos años tiene muy poca relevancia. En lugar de pretender que el juego político tiene verdadero sentido, sus energías se centran sobre la manera de trascender no este sistema.
6) participar en el movimiento, Ir thezeitgeistmovement.com y nos ayudará a crear el mayor movimiento de masas para el cambio social, el mundo ha visto siempre. Tenemos que movilizar y educar a todos acerca de la corrupción inherente de nuestro actual sistema-mundo, junto con la única verdadera, solución sostenible - declarar todos los recursos naturales del planeta como patrimonio común a todas las personas, al tiempo que informaba de todo el mundo en cuanto al verdadero estado de la tecnología y cómo todos podemos ser libres si el mundo trabaja, en lugar de peleas.
Pero, al final, lo más relevante el cambio debe ocurrir primero dentro de ti. La verdadera revolución es la revolución de la conciencia y cada uno de nosotros, primero tiene que eliminar el divisionary, materialista ruido, hemos sido condicionados a pensar es cierto ... para descubrir, y la adaptación a la amplificación de la señal procedente de nuestra verdad, la unidad empírica.
The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation (en inglés, proximamente en español)
Toda la información la encontrarás en las siguientes direcciónes:
Zeitgeist en Español
449 eventos confirmados:
En Argentina:
Buenos Aires
21hs - Parque Centenario - Av. Diaz Velez y Leopoldo Marechal.
zeitgeistargentina@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires Planetario
zeitgeistargentina@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires
Escalinata 2 de abril de 1982
barrio piedrabuena
edificio 10 a piso 5 b,
7 p.m.
agenteespecialk@hotmail dot com
Cordoba Argentina
25 de mayo 466 dp A
buenos aires time
claudiobikich@yahoo.com dot ar
209-1804 Le Corbusier Laval qc
time tba
ddfleurs@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires
mar del plata, buenos aires, Argentina
bermejo 2673
ex-paris@hotmail dot com
San Martín 1467, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Multiespacio Elefante
San Martín 1467, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Domingo 15 de marzo
20 hs
Exhibición de Zeitgeid y Zeitgeist: Addendum
elefantemultiespacio@gmail dot com
mar del plata
bs.as. argentina
gimenik2012@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires, Argentina
We are going to screen the movie on March 11th (Wednesday) at debar (Rivadavia 1132, Cap. Fed., Buenos Aires, Argentina). The is a free event.
debar - Rivadavia 1132 - CABA - Buenos Aires, Argentina
9:00:00 PM
nochesmasrock@gmail dot com
Eventos en todo el mundo:
Africa and Middle East
Dahab, Sinai, Egypt
Yalla Bar, Dahab, Egypt.
We will be screening all material, All day and promoting awareness forever.
humanpotential@hush dot com
ZDAY09/Ibn Gvirol 70/Tel-Aviv/Israel
we'll meet in Rabin square, and soon after go where ever there's more people to talk to.
16:00 UTC/GMT +2 hours
zday.il@gmail dot com
be'er sheva, israel
watching the first movie and discussing it.
20:30 (gmt+2)
soeitan@hotmail dot com
South Africa
Cape Town
Venue: The Labia Theatre
Times: 6:15pm & 8:30pm
Address: Lifestyle On Kloof Centre, Kloof Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa
Booking info: 021 424 5927
e-mail: info@flamedrop dot com
weblink: www.flamedrop.com/cinemania
Klitsgras Drumming Circle in
Pretoria, South Africa
Time: 14h00 (GMT+2:00)
andries@klitsgras.co dot za
Tunis medical school
App A3-2 res Fatimides 1072 AIN ZAGHOUAN
Tunis, Tunisie
sanakhediri@hotmail dot fr
North America
Calgary Public Library
08:00:00 AM
pacho.rey@gmail dot com
Edmonton, The Hydeaway all ages art space
10209 - 100Ave
3:00pm - 1 am - Mountain Time
The_equation@yahoo dot ca
Medicine Hat Campus
299 College Dr. SE
happychicklady90@hotmail dot com
Room S159 (1:30 pmdoors open) show starts at 2:00pm - 7:00 pm
Lethbridge, Alberta
@ Lethbridge Public Library
810 5th Ave South
2-5pm Video presentation and open discussion
British Columbia
Quantumleaps lodge
2119 Blaeberry Rd.
7 PM
See our www.quantumleaps.ca, click on Location for directions
brian@quantumleaps dot ca
Vancouver, Rio Theatre on Broadway (604-878-3456)
1660 E. Broadway
Vancouver, BC
1:30 PM
gwyllyn@gmail dot com
Powell River, Unitarian Hall
4828 Cranberry Street
Powell River
jeremyseanwilliams@yahoo dot ca
Burnaby, Simon Fraser University in room AQ 3149
March 15 2009 Z-Day: 1pm-4pm PST
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC , Canada
pouyan12@hotmail dot com
Prince George, South Fort George Park
20014-1467 3rd Ave
Prince George, BC
ragingwind@shaw dot ca
Home/ 6207Shoreline dr/
11:00 AM PST
shamman23@hotmail dot com
Winnipeg, House/11 -406
North Bay
Heart of Unity
Location: Downtown North Bay
144 Main Street West (2nd Floor)
NOON- 3:00 PM (EST)
tyger1611@yahoo.co dot uk
A small community meeting on the topic of social change will be held at 151 Simcoe St, Orillia Ontario, Canada, on March 15, 2009 until further notice.
The Robert Simpson Room, Upstairs, 107 Dunlop Street East, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2 pm - 5 pm
Admission is Free, All are Welcome. Food and beverages will be served. We are accepting donations for The David Busby Street Centre in the form of - Financial donations to fund their daily operations - Infant items - - Men and Women’s clothing
back2basics09@gmail dot com
Center for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4th Floor, Think Tank room
Time: 4 pm to 10 pm
Vellorwoods Community Centre / 2141 Major Mackenzie drive / Woodbridge / Ontario
8 pm, sunday March 15th, 2009
gotadevenus@gmail dot com
205- 1450 boul shevchenko
montreal qc H8N1P1
agucho0753@gmail dot com
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
La Prole de Don Clodomiro
Morelos 719
Entre AV Federalismo y Pavo
Downtown Guadalajara
TIME = 7:00pm
Distrito Federal, Ciudad de Mexico
Place: Auditorio Che Guevara Facultad de Filosofía UNAM
Av.Insurgentes s/n Ciudad Universitaria Del. Coyoacán CP 04360
March 14th & 15th (14:00-18:00)
UABC (Central)
Lopez Rayon y Blvd Benito Juarez
Exterior de Cafeteria (Gradas del centro comunitario)
Correo de contacto puncket@hotmail dot com
Baja California
grulla/106/valle del rubi/
Jai alai party places in downtown
2:00 PM
fernandopuebla7@hotmail dot com
Fernando Puebla
Cel 664-3333-160
Nextel 152*15*31536
ZONA CENTRO, call for more information
quintana roo
Lazaro Cardenas
#2 esquina boulevard bahia, colonia barrio bravo
15:15 GMT-6:00
marc.afif@gmail dot com
Colonia Rincón Arboledas
Moved to Auditorio de la Facultad de Computación (below)
Auditorio de la Facultad de Computación, Ciudad Universitaria, BUAP.
11:00 am. (time of México city)
This event takes place inside BUAP, (Puebla's biggest public university) at the Auditorium of the Computer Faculty. On March 20th.
karikatoon@gmail dot com, reneponcecarrillo@gmai dot com 52 222 2280183 52 222 1186389
Culiacan, Sinaloa, México
Cuitlahuac #50 norte Col. Las Vegas
Por donde esta la taqueria La ceiba una casa blanca d dos pisos
De 9:00 AM a 2:00 PM 0446671-51-08-48
Ensenada BC, Mexico
"UABC valle dorado Sala audivisual del DIA "
06:00:00 PM
litos_830@hotmail dot com and lasepistemes@gmail dot com
Entrada Libre. After electrónico Sala del D.I.A de la UABC Campus Valle Dorado en la ciudad de Ensenada Baja California México 6:pm hora del pacífico
Frente al Instituto Progreso de la Colonia Cacho.
Instituto Holístico Corazón Global. Av. Ensenada 2370 Col. Cacho. Tijuana, Baja California, México.
2:00 a 6:00 p.m. (Hora local)
almaluz08@gmail dot com
Southeastern US
District of Columbia
3005 Bladensburg Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20018
Empowerment Center will show a portion of the Zeitgiest: Addendum video and have an open discussion about what we can do to create new community and spirituality with a new thought system of love, meaning and purpose.
10:00 am
info@empowerment-center dot org
Orlando, University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
3 - 9 pm
zday@holisticlivingschool dot org
Sarasota, 3590 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL 34239
Center of Spiritual Awareness
1:30 pm Eastern time
eclipsedsage@hotmail dot com
Jacksonville, UNF University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224-2645
unfzday@gmail dot com
Jacksonville, Carriage House
156 W. 7th St
Jacksonville, Fl 32206
2PM March 15, 2009
keakisworld@aol dot com
N. Miami, Florida International University, Biscayne Bay Campus, 3000 NE 151 Street, N. Miami, Fl. 33181
Wolfe University Center, Mary Ann Wolfe Theater
7:00 p.m. EST
martinj@fiu dot edu
St. Augustine
Ponce DeLeon Mall (Meeting Room) 2121 US 1 South
Meeting Room located inside the main entrance of the Ponce DeLeon Mall. Mall is located on US 1 South of Downtown St. Augustine Florida. I will post new thread on Forum as well. Event Starts at 1pm.
zeitgeistjl@gmail dot com
Marietta, Daily Grind Coffee
2595 Sandy Plains Road, Suite 1
Marietta, GA 30066
English and Spanish language
4-6 pm EST
samipin@hotmail dot com
Apartment in Midtown. All are free to join us in celebration and understanding, for a clearer and brighter world! The entrance to my apt complex is right next to Camelli's Pizza. When you get to the door, jog up T. Bourgault or J. Bourgault for us to buzz you in
699 Ponce De Leon Avenue Apt.311 Atlanta Georgia United Empire of America
7:00PM EST
harmony-2009@live dot com
Home Viewing 213 Glenwood Drive, Houma, LA USA
3pm CST
reese1814@gmail dot com
New Orleans
The Iron Rail Book Collective
511 Marigny St. NOLA 70119
screening @ 7 PM , 7 PM Central Time
christophocles33 @ yahoo dot com
North Carolina
Krankies Coffee Bar/The Werehouse
211 E 3rd St
7 PM Mar 15, live webcast of NYC event followed by discussion
Please email if planning to attend (but not required)
Zeitgeist Addendum will be shown Thu Mar 12 at 8 PM
tanktopdude@hotmail dot com
South Carolina
Myrtle Beach
The event will be held in the conference room towards the back of the Facility.
Street Reach Community Center, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
12:30pm EST
Ucantbmykal21@aol dot com
We will be in the conference room at 2206 21rst ave S. Across for the Fire Station on 21rst ave. Park on Ashwood dr.
Village realestate conference ctr. 2206 21rst ave S Nashville Tn 37212 USA
5:00 pm Central
tod@popstar dot com
Charlottesville, Northside Library (upstairs)
300 Albemarle Sq
Charlottesville, VA 22901
1pm est
vazeitgeistmovement@gmail dot com
Southwestern US
"In Buckeye. West of Phoenix off I-10. Cross streets are Miller and Warner. 25673 W. Dunlap Rd. This is a private viewing at a private home. We will be featuring Zeitgeist and Addendum on two screens, throughout the day. Snacks and drinks will be prov" :25673 West Dunlap Rd.
12pm Arizona Standard Time
todd_zeitgest@yahoo dot com
Black and Tan
2334 W Holly St
6pm Mountain Time
Demenchylde@hotmail dot com
Santa Cruz
Pacific Cultural Center is at 1307 Seabright Ave. @ Broadway.
Doors open at 6:30, event starts at 7PM.
Discussion forum to follow the viewing.
Pacific Cultural Center/ 1307 Seabright Ave./ Santa Cruz, Ca
alecd83@yahoo dot com
Ex'pression College 6601 shellmound st, Emeryville, California, United States
Doors open at 6:30, Movie is at 7pm shown in the Game Design Wing
MarmaLaideStudios@gmail dot com
West Sacrament, Horse Cow
111 North Harbor BLVD
West Sacramento CA 95691
Sacramento, R5 Records located on the corner of 16th & Broadway
2500 16th St
4:00 pm
monica@r5records dot com
Rancho Cucamonga, Chaffey College/5885 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA
Chaffey Community College in the quad.
Presenting a speech, a slide and handing out brochures
12:00 PM PST
psychosomatix86@hotmail dot com
Costa Mesa, The light house gallery
440 E.17th St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Saturday March 14th into the 15th
From 5pm-1am
Music from various artist/groups/djs around the la and surrounding area.
Underground- Hip Hop/Instrumental/Jazz/Other
admission is donations
records2tapes@yahoo dot com
Fremont, Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
2950 Washington Boulevard
Fremont, CA 94539 (at the First United Methodist Church Campus)
Driving directions: http://mpuuc.org/findus/directions.html#4
2pm (PST)
Zeitgeist@localonly dot org
San Francisco, Temple
Marina Del Rey and Venice Beach
Modern Om is located across the street from COST CO East of Lincoln Blvd. near Marina Del Rey and Venice Beach California. Plenty of parking in Cost Co lot & street.
13452 Washington Blvd. Marina Del Rey, CA 90291
1:30 Doors open
zeitgeist addendum film 1:45
webcast 4:oo
RSVP at http://zdayeventla.eventbrite.com
Nevada City
212, Church Street, Nevada City, CA, 95959
Shuniaa is a sacred space with its core vision being - transform lives.
5:00 PM PST
devdharamsingh@khalsa dot com
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Industry Los Angeles Studio
5355 Cartwright Ave #119
Viewing 6pm-9pm (Pacific Time)
(Open Discussion)
industryla@gmail dot com
Highlands Ranch
"Private residence, Open Forum "
10621 Chadsworth Lane, Highlands Ranch CO 80126
4.00pm- 7.00pm Mountain time
sushma926@hotmail dot com
I live in the heart of Hawaii kai near the skate park. There will be refreshments and snacks. Feel free to bring your own as well. We'll be showing Zeitgeist Addendum. Hope to see you there!!!
1100 A Awawamalu st./Honolulu/HI/USA
6pm Hawaii Time
letsbefree11@yahoo dot com
Las Vegas, SATAY Asian Bistro
3900 Paradise
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Las Vegas, East Side Joe's
After the presentation there will be 4 bands playing. This is a punk venue and it will be punk music. All proceeds raised will be donated to The Venus Project.
6:00 p.m. pacific
liberationcorp@yahoo dot com
Art Dogs Hookah Lounge
218 Vassar st.
Reno Nevada 89502
David Hirshman (Devil Stix Dave) 775-225-8615 Burnonedown2day@hotmail dot com or Contact Boodah from The Worriaz at (w0rriaz@gmail dot com) he will be representing the Venus Project
Yorkshire Village, Logan Utah,
Union building University of Utah
05:00:00 PM
tobyr321@gmail dot com
Midwestern US
Location : SIUC Campus - Lawson (building) Room 141
Time : Doors open at 4:30 with 5pm Sharp start time
Showing of Addendum at 5pm with recorded discussion to follow from 7:15 to 8:15 then Contest information to be given after wards.
Contact information : Paul Flowers phflowers84@yahoo dot com 618-536-0326 618-409-9169
Bolingbrook, Chez Basemente'
12:15 AM CST (continuing all day)
dr.greg.frye@gmail dot com
St. Paul's Cultural Center
Reservations are closed, all seats reserved.
2215 West North Ave
Please RSVP via email due to limited seating. $5 suggested donation at the door.
4pm Venus Project Orientation Presentation,
5:30pm Break, 6:00pm Live Connect to New York Presentation followed by discussion.
zeitgeistchicago@gmail dot com
Z day party at my house! we will serve food and drinks listen to music and cavort with like minded others for an evening of blowing off steam and real conversations! all are welcome. we will run the movie and its addendum concurrently in a loop for tho
4841 w cullom chicago il.
2 pm CST
chunklitchimp@yahoo dot com
Lawrence Sunflower Cooperative
1406 Tennessee
Lawrence, KS 66044
Time pending
contact@lawrencesunflowerhouse dot org 785-749-0871
A New Day Spa
305 St. Clair
Frankfort, KY 40601
4:00pm-12:00am EST
Anewdayspa@yahoo dot com
Bozeman Public Library/700 E. Main, Bozeman, MT, US
1:30-6:00pm Mountain Time
The Conference Room we are using is the first one to the right on the main floor entrance.
montanatruthmovement@gmail dot com
Warrensburg, The 400 Club
W. Pine Street
Warrensburg, MO
3pm Central
erinridermeister@gmail dot com
Plymouth, Best Western Kelly Inn
2705 North Annapolis Lane
Plymouth MN, 55411
763 553 1600
Show time at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm
The Patio Room
Rochester Community and Technical College
Room: CF203
851 30th Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904-4999
7:00 PM CST
jfractured@excite dot com
Kent State Student Center
Kent, OH
6:00 p.m. eastern
m.arter@yahoo dot com
Mason, Pop Revolution Gallery
105 East Main Street
Mason, OH 45040
Ben Neal 513-492-7474 nealdesign@yahoo dot com
Ashtabula, Wellness & Total Learning Center
715 W 30th St
Ashtabula OH 44004
1:00 pm EST 3/15/09
Susan Deak, Director phone 440-997-5353 e-mail wtlc@suite224 dot net
Bowling Green State University
325 N. Mercer Rd
10:00:00 PM
Kreischer-Compton, The Arts Village showing of the film and info session
amoody@bgsu dot edu
South Dakota
Buffalo Gap
Located along Highway 79, and 8 miles North of Maverick Jct., or 40 miles South of Rapid City. Buffalo Gap Auditorium/209 Main St/Buffalo Gap/SD/US
5 PM (MT)
twistedsage@hotmail dot com
Sioux Falls
901 N. Walts Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (private residence)
1 PM
(please RSVP since there is limited seating @ confusionkills@hotmail dot com).
Deer Park
(private home)
837 Cedar
Deer Park, TX
4pm Central
monialchi@yahoo dot com
Houston, SalvaHouse Studios
212 plaza verde #g33
houston, texas 77038
6pm central
salvatex@gmail dot com
Austin, Brave New Books
1904 Guadalupe St
Austin Tx, 78705
1pm - 3pm CST
Brave New Books is located across the street from UT campus so it is recommended to arrive early as parking can be challenging and be sure to bring meter money. The Book Store is located next to the Chase Bank downstairs
bravenewzday@gmail dot com
Fall Creek, WI
Creative Farming Studios welcomes supporters of the Zietgiest Movement.
Be with those actively engaging in planetary enlightenment. Thank you. Blessed Love.
770 Kennedy Avenue, Fall Creek, WI 54742
10:00 AM Central Standard Time
schwartzj@creativefarmingstudios dot com
Northwestern US
Waterloo, The five Sullivan brothers convention center
205 Wst 4th st
Waterloo IA
Time pending
Portland, 2206 SE Caruthers Street
7:00PM March 15, 2009
brandonkitajchuk@yahoo dot com
Beaverton, Java Nation
4130 sw 117th ave
We are located at SW 117th ave and Canyon Rd in Beaverton. For more info and a map to our location please visit javanationcoffee.com
7:00 PM
Jim@javanationcoffee dot com
Bend, Hitchcock Auditorium,
Central Oregon Community College
6:30pm on Sunday, March 15th
pinley@uorego dot .edu 503-550-3996
Spokane, Magic Lantern Theater
25 West Maine Ave
99202 USA
3:45; 5:30
bruce@ecodepotinc dot com Bruce Gage ph. # 509.216.4472
Seattle, Westlake Park,
"Individual Seattle grass roots activists are proud to present Westlake Park/401 Pine St/Seattle/WA/US 12:00pm-9:00pm (pacific)
zmseattle@gmail dot com
Art Lecture Hall, room 103, of the Art Building.
The hall has a maximum capacity of 80 and is set up like an actual theater with stadium seating, cushioned seats and a big screen. the movie will show at 2:00 pm.
regalrecaller@hotmail dot com, 3605505030
Northeastern US
New York
TRIBECA Performing Arts Center
199 Chambers Street #S110c
New York, NY 10007
Central Event featuring The Venus Project
Tickets Here
New York, NY USA
Time pending
30-92 45 str. #3 Astoria, NY 11103
beyjanoz@hotmail dot com
Jackson Heights
la gloria lounge
86-11 northern blvd
jackson heights ,ny 11372
The Screening Room 3131 Sheridan Drive Northtown Plaza (Behind Key Bank) Amherst, NY 14226
Show time at 2 pm and 6 pm EST
buffalozday@gmail dot com
Syracuse, ArtRage Gallery
505 Hawley Ave
Saturday, March 14, 7pm
jennyskates8@yahoo dot com
Roxbury Crossing
1580 Tremont St. #3
Please contact me if you are interested in joining so that I can let the library know what size room we'll need.
Mugar Memorial Library / 771 Commonwealth Avenue / Boston / Massachusetts / USA
987car@gmail dot com
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Bromely Family Theater
300 Campus Drive
Bradford PA, 16701
Doors- 6:30pm | Event - 7:00pm
231 west bridge st suite B
8pm est
quinntsensual@yahoo dot com
Office of the TransCultural Awareness Institute
136 North Main St (On the second floor of the Sidewalk Village)
March 15th, 3pm EST
offievivian@yahoo dot com
Puerto Rico
Cabo Rojo
Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez
Interamerican University San German
Urb. Borinquen G-20
10:00am - 12:00pm eastern time
eltabonuco@gmail dot com
Central America/Carribean
Antigua and Barbuda
Host:Alex Nkoli©
14:00 - 21:00
Casta Lounge / Castaways / Jolly beach
South Finger nn
Phone: 7864002
ceo@studios-inc dot com
Costa Rica
D&C's house
Barrio Santa Lucia
This is a semi-private event in a house. Please contact the organizer for additional information.
8pm (GMT -6)
shiva731@hotmail dot com
Dominican Republic
UNIBE University
19th in the Alianza Francesa instead of Maac Cine.
malecon y loja
Guayaquil, Guayas
5 pm GMT – 05
carlosehuerta@gmail dot com
Casa de la Cultura, Sala de videos 12 de Marzo- we will have videos abailable for free and hope people will show them on Sunday, March 15 to their families and friends
Sala de Videos, Casa de la Cultura/ Cuenca/ Ecuador
6:30:00 AM
zeitgeistecuador@gmail dot com
Quito Ecuador
Calle Nielsen # N 58-110 y Jose Bustos, sector Hospital Solca al Norte
Hora: 5 PM
Tel. 3280036
Dpto 5to piso Pantalla gigante 5 pm Tel. 3280036
josermano@gmail dot com
El Salvador
South America
Buenos Aires
21hs - Parque Centenario - Av. Diaz Velez y Leopoldo Marechal.
zeitgeistargentina@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires Planetario
zeitgeistargentina@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires
Escalinata 2 de abril de 1982
barrio piedrabuena
edificio 10 a piso 5 b,
7 p.m.
agenteespecialk@hotmail dot com
Cordoba Argentina
25 de mayo 466 dp A
buenos aires time
claudiobikich@yahoo.com dot ar
209-1804 Le Corbusier Laval qc
time tba
ddfleurs@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires
mar del plata, buenos aires, Argentina
bermejo 2673
ex-paris@hotmail dot com
San Martín 1467, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Multiespacio Elefante
San Martín 1467, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Domingo 15 de marzo
20 hs
Exhibición de Zeitgeid y Zeitgeist: Addendum
elefantemultiespacio@gmail dot com
mar del plata
bs.as. argentina
gimenik2012@hotmail dot com
Buenos Aires, Argentina
We are going to screen the movie on March 11th (Wednesday) at debar (Rivadavia 1132, Cap. Fed., Buenos Aires, Argentina). The is a free event.
debar - Rivadavia 1132 - CABA - Buenos Aires, Argentina
9:00:00 PM
nochesmasrock@gmail dot com
São Paulo
Local: Auditório da Subprefeitura da Lapa, Rua Guaicurus, nº 1000, Lapa, São Paulo.
Horário: 18h
mateuscr@hotmail dot com / tel: 11 8559.4989
crisantempo@crisantempo dot com.br
São Paulo
Rua Rego Freitas, 542 @ 15:00 - Centro
Espaço Matilha Cultural (novo)
obs: chegar com 45 min de antecedência para retirar seu ingresso gratuito
máximo de 70 pessoas
Transmitiremos Zeitgeist: Addendum, o show de slide com conteúdos do ativismo proposto e o evento ao vivo em Nova York.
choko08 [at] gmail [dot] com
zulu5element [at] hotmail [dot] com
nina [dot] cultura [at] gmail [dot] com
São Paulo
Rua Apacê, 355 - c/2, Jd. Oriental - Jabaquara, 04347110, São Paulo - SP - IL
16:54 hours of Brasilia
nelsoncostafilho@gmail dot com
São Paulo
Clube Berlin Rua Cônego Vicente Miguel Marino, 85 (11) 3392-4594 Barra funda, São Paulo SP, Brasil Inicio as 15:00 (horário de Brasiia) com projeção do filme Zeitgeist - The Movie Transmissão ao vivo do Main Event em NYC Entrada Gratuita www.
Clube Berlin - barra Funda, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
15:00 Horario de Brasilia
zday@clubeberlin dot com.br
São Paulo
Hocus Pocus Studio & Cafe - Rua Paraibuna, 838, Sao Dimas. Atras da Unesp. Havera exibicao exclusiva do :ZeitGeist 1 + a banda The Vain. Sao Jose dos Campos/Sao Paulo/Brazil
18:00 Hora¡rio de Brasi lia
hocus.zday@gmail dot com
Campus do Vale/Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/ Porto Alegre/ Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
13:00 (-3h)
zeitgeist.ufrgs@gmail dot .com
Brasilia, DF, Brazil
in 23 March 2009 23:00 +3gmt
Espaço MOCAMBO infos http://oresgate.com
contato.oresgate@gmail dot com
Curitiba - PR
19:00h at Rua XV de Novembro, 10
Place next to the Rua da Cidadania do Bairro Boa Vista
Rua Guilherme Ihlenfeldt, 1081 Loja 5
09:00 horário de Brasília
cesarrozek@hotmail dot com
R. Pradre Anchieta 1923
cep. 80730000
Time pending
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Campus do Vale
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
13:00 (-3h)
zeitgeist.ufrgs@gmail dot com
Rio das Ostras
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
Pólo Universitário de Rio das Ostras (PURO)
Auditório do PURO Rua Recife, s/n, Jd. Bela Vista CEP.: 28.890-000
17:00h (Horário de Brasília)
marcobrandao@zipmail.com dot br
Sao Paulo
Home at Av. Cote D'Azur, 785 Cotia
06:00:00 PM
vihh@care2 dot com
Sitio Espaço Verde
CEP 45816 -000
espacoverde@rocketmail dot com
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Home at Av. Cote D'Azur,
785 Cotia
Cantina Satélite,
Rua Tomas Alva Edson,
Cond. LA Tirana Calle D- 156,
March 14th 2009 - TIME = 21:00 hrs.
Santiago de Chile
Centro Arte Alameda
Alameda 139
21 hours
Micalvi 58
07:00:00 AM
enzomandujano@hotmail dot com
Figu D's @ World Wide Release of Xtaz for the Z
It's time for a change...be part of it !!!
Start Time:Friday, March 13, 2009 at 6:00pm End Time:Sunday,
Santiago, Chile Deta
Santiago Radio/Av.Santa Maria 227/Santiago/Chile
18:00 GTM-4
figu.rules@gmail dot com
Parque Artesanal "Loma de la Cruz"
Calle 5 entre carreras 14 y 16
zeitgeistcali@gmail dot com
Bogotá, Colombia
Private Apartment
ogamz2012@gmail dot com
Bogotá D.C.
Teatro metro de Bogotá. Evento y foro principal con los :coordinadores del grupo.
Colombia. Cundinamarca. Bogotá.
Teusaquillo.Calle 34 # 13-32.
2:00 p.m. - 8 pm. (dos funciones)
zeitgeistcolombia@gmail dot com
Bogota Colombia
cll 19 Sur No. 69-55 int 1 apto 602
GTM -05:00
william.parra@gmail dot com
calle 23 sur 44-53 apto 302
ucuellarb@gmail dot com
Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
barrio jardin 2 bloque 11 apartamento 204, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
alejopereira313@hotmail dot com
Quindío - Colombia
proyecion de escenas de la pelicula, foro de debate en la sala de estudios de la acuq.
Cra 15, Cll 12 N Armenia
2 pm gmt
vinhamgum@yahoomail dot com
cucuta park santander av 11 call 6-centro
Avenida 4ta calle 5 Nº4a21 Barrio Nidia- cucuta,
Norte de Santander, Colombia
underboy_16@hotmail dot com
Roatan, Honduras
Earth Mamas, West End, Roatan
7 P.M.
venusprojectinhonduras@yahoo dot com
Sandy Bay, Roatan, Honduras
Oasis Bar and Grill
7 P.M. venusprojectinhonduras
Los Almendros 262
dpto 214
La Molina, Lima 12
4:00 pm
quiero ser libre... y luchare con ustedes por la unificacion de la especie humana. alizos/mzlllote6losjazmines dela
11:52:00 AM
ioricarlos21@gmail dot com
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. MACZUL
Avenida Universidad. Maracaibo, Estado Zulia.
05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
zeitgeistzulia@gmail dot com
Estado Zulia
Centro de Arte de Maracaibo. LÍA BERMÚDEZ.
Av. Libertador. Frente al Muelle.
05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
zeitgeistzulia@gmail dot com
Z-Day @lames - www.lames.at
ChillOut, discussions, documentarys
from 15h until midnight
Spratzener Kirchenweg 81-83, St. Pölten
nonntaler hauptstrasse 1a, 5020 salzburg, austria
basis@denkmalsalzburg dot at
Z-DAY Vienna - 15.03.2009, at 14h until midnight
Cafe B.A.C.H.,
Bachstrasse 21, 1160 Vienna,
(Tram 46 Thaliastrasse / Fesstgasse)
Schwarzenbergplatz 10, 1040 Vienna
6 PM
Lieu : Inside Out, La péniche, Quai Van Bereden
Heure : 14h30 - 21h00, Projection en plein air à 19h
Infos : ZeitgeistLiege@gmail dot com
Lieu : Tentation, 28 rue de Laeken, 1000 Bruxelles
Heure : 15h45 - 18h00
Infos : Ruben Vandersmissen 0477.47.68.25.
De 18h30 à 20h15, cours de salsa gratuits conduits par les :meilleurs instructeurs professionnels de Belgique, suite auxquels :les DJ's prennent les platines en main pour vous faire danser la :salsa, la bachata, le merengue... etc.
Jh Millennium
Averbodeweg 18
3271 Zichem (Okselaar), Vl-Brabant
Capaciteit: 150 personen – Gratis toegang
18.00u: aanvang
18.30u tot 20.30u: vertoning “Zeitgeist The Movie”
20.30u tot 21.00u: pauze
21.00u tot 23.00u: vertoning “Zeitgeist Addendum”
23.00u tot 01.00u: jeugdhuis open voor eventuele nabespreking, discussie of gezellige babbel.
Drankjes en kleine snacks zijn doorlopend verkrijgbaar aan een democratische prijs !
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore l'endroit........
C'est l'endroit mythique de la salsa à Bruxelles dans un cadre et espace unique!
Plusieurs centaines de salseros s'y réunissent fidèlement chaque Dimanche.
Après l'évènement «Zeitgeist»
La Tentation 28, Rue de Laeken - 1000 Bruxelles - Belgium
lovetheworld@hotmail dot fr
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kino Bosna, Alipasina 19, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kino Bosna/Alipasina 19/Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina
7:00pm - 9:00pm (GMT + 01:00)
zeitgeist.bih@gmail dot com
Sofia Bulgaria
The opening of the second Sunmoon bakery & vegetarian restaurant here in Sofia Bulgaria combined with the international Zeitgeist day all in one
ul. Nerazdelni 13 near the Rome wall market tel: +359 898 898 555 mail: home@sunmoon dot bg
Gazi Evleri 290 Sok. No
00:21 (GMT+02:00)
darkside565@yahoo dot com
Real hotel/ 2 Georgi Voiteh St./4000 Plovdiv/ Bulgaria
17:00, GMT+2
Presentation will be held in Bulgarian language, English is optional. Every one welcome.
shadow.stan@abv dot bg
Korpus "A", zala 503 UASG(VIAS)/bul.
Hristo Smirnenski 1, Sofia, Bulgaria
16:00 GTM +0200
diadosamson@gmail dot com
Ilica 42, niz vežu i skroz uz stepenice, Klub HDPIO
progradior.mercury@gmail dot com
Osijek, Croatia
Caffe Bar "Cadillac"/A. Stepinca 28/Osijek/Croatia
15 CET
alanford22 at gmail dot com
www.zeitgeisthr.com (HR stands for Hrvatska-Croatia, site launch planned till 08.02.2009)
Dubrovnik, Club Orlando
20000 Dubrovnik
17:00 (5pm)
kaja_1988@yahoo dot com or bojan0689@gmail dot com
Udruga Korak Ispred
Kruzna Ulica 7
51 000 Rijeka
krunoslav_onboard@yahoo dot com
Infoshop Škatula (savez udruga Molekula),
Delta 5/I, 51 000 Rijeka, Croatia
start: 18:00
infoshop.skatula@gmail dot com
Zagreb, private home
feliks.semanjski@gmail dot com
Jurišićeva 1A, Zagreb, Croatia
europski dom / paneuropska unija na početku jurišićeve, odmah kod korporacijskog macdonaldsa
not decided yet, probably at 19:00
adonis77@gmail dot com
Zagreb Croatia
Ilica 43/1
15 h
zeitgeist@bicikl dot hr
Prostorije udruge studenata Anomija,
preko puta ulaza u zgradu Hrvatskih studija, prepoznat ćete je jer ima do pola plave prozore
Kampus Borongaj, Zagreb, Hrvatska
cicek.bog@gmail dot com
Czech Republic
Pardubice, Czech Republic
Akce se koná v Kině BIO OKO
podrobností a program: http://www.zeitgeistmovement.cz "
Františka Křižíka 15 / Praha 7 / Czech Republic
12.00 - 17.00
pr@zeitgeistmovement dot cz
Kino OKO ( Cinema OKO ) Frantiska Krizka 15 Praha 7 Tel. :00420736165679 kenav3@seznam dot cz Transport: TRAM 1 ,5 , 8, 12, 14, 17, 25, 26 to station Strossmayerovo namesti
Time with time zone: 12-17 CET
kenav3@seznam dot cz
zacatek a program bude upresnen na www.zeitgeistmovement.cz
kino AERO
at my address there will bee coffie and the for all and there will bee the zeitgeist films and talk about it and what we can do to open the eyes of all people
toftsvej 34 2 tv 6700
1600 cet
karstenrubin27@hotmail dot com
Aarhus (the city)
Langelandsgade 139 (kasernen), indgang C, aud. A
The doors will open at 14.00 GMT +1 and we will show "Zeitgeist: The Movie" at 14.30 GMT +1. There will be :an app. 1 hour pause after the first movie and then we'll show "Zeitgeist: Addendum" at 17.30 GMT +1.
zeitgeist@live dot dk
Jannseni 38
antonius@rambler dot ru
Elokuvateatteri Andorra/Eerikinkatu 11/Helsinki/Finland
17:30 EET
jyka-zg (at) haseldow (dot)
16:00 and 19:00 EET
jyka-zg (at) haseldow (dot) fi
Luotsikatu 18 a 4, 00160
Lahti, Michel Ben-David/Vasamakatu 3 a 5/15100
19.00 ( UTC + 2 )
bendavidmichel@hotmail dot com
Free showing of Zeitgeist: Addendum at the basement of the bar Vakiopaine.
Vakiopaine, Kauppakatu 6, Jyväskylä, Finland 18:00 (GMT+2)
j_v_j_v_j@fastmail dot fm
Urakantalo/Kauppalankatu 18/Hyvinkää/Finland
17:00 EET
jyka-zg (at) haseldow (dot) com
Lyon, 69001 FRANCE
Laverie rue Terme (A l'angle)
(Vers la place sathonay)
61, rue de barlete 47000
regis.nekkar@voila dot fr
Paris Reims/France
gulamxo@hotmail dot com
Vendredi 13 : Réunion entre participants pour l'organisation et pour faire connaissance.
Lieu : Place de la Bastille : Marches de l'opéra (Sommet)
Heure : 18h00 -> 18h15
Infos : ensuite on partira se réunir dans un endroit propice. Après 18h15 infoline : 06 60 71 34 11
Samedi 14 : Communication de rue (Z-Day)
Lieu : Parc des Expositions de Toulouse, Hall 1 2 Entrée C, Rond :point Michel Bénech - BP 44128 31030 Toulouse cedex 4
Heure : 10h à 19h
Infos : http://www.salon-nature-environnement.com/
Spéciale Z-Day le dimanche 15 mars : projection-débat autour du mouvement Zeitgeist
Du 13 au 15 Mars
Entrée gratuite
JUZ Rissen
Sülldorfer Landstrasse 333
16.00 Uhr
beide Zeitgeistfilme werden gezeigt
World Wide Web Event
From Freiburg i.Br.
Adobe Connect Virtual Room
http://tinyurl.com/8lre93 no need to install anything,
headset and webcam are welcome
The room will be opened from 8am GMT +0 (London time) until midnight 0am GMT +0 for people to drop in, anybody wishing to
present anything is welcome, this is a very spontaneous unconference FROM
http://snipurl.com/dqv9t [www_timeanddate_com] UNTIL
http://snipurl.com/dqvd4 [www_timeanddate_com]
heike@philp dot de
Berlin, Skizum Studios
Wühlischstrasse 12
(Ground Floor, Right)
10245 Berlin
19:00 - Zeitgeist
21:00 - Addendum
23:00 - discussion and soiree
event link: http://skizumberlin.wordpress.com/2009/03/04/z-day-140309-1900-film-screening-discussion-soiree/
RSVP: scottie.b.skizum(at)gmail(dot)com
Berlin, Monster Ronson's Ichiban Karaoke
Warschauer Straße 34
10243 Berlin
Time- 21:00
Berlin, COOP Cafe
Rochstr. 3
10178 Berlin Mitte
tgl 18 Uhr - 3 Uhr
ausser stgs.
8:00 PM
email@hbuecker dot net
Dacchau, Freiraum
Brunngartenstraße 7
opening 15.00 CET
16.00 : Zeitgeist
18.30 : Zeitgeist Addendum
gregor-schael@web dot de
Haifischbar, Augsburg,
Bavaria, Germany
10:00 pm
Dresden, Haus der Begegnung, Kneipe
Großenhainer Straße 74a, 01127
(Straßenbahnhaltestelle 'Zeithainer Straße', Linie 3)
15.03.2009, 10:00-20:00 (GMT+01:00)
zeitgeistsachsen@gmx dot info
Hannover, Musiktheater Bad
Am Großen Garten 60
30167 Hannover
Time- 14:30h
amromohamed@gmx dot de
Neue Linner Strasse 20, 47799 Krefeld, Germany
16:00 MEZ
euroweld@googlemail dot com
Medienhaus Hannover
Schwarzer Baer 6, 30449 Hannover
18 h MEZ
service@medienhaus-hannover dot de
Nuremberg Germany Cinecitta Cinema
unitedfortruth@web dot de
5 pm CET
Ernstlich Interessierte sind gern gesehen.
hlentruper Weg 90, 33604, Bielefeld, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany
14:00-20:00 (GMT + 1:00)
kid_of_steel@gmx dot de
Gemeindehaus Luftkurort
Buoch in 73630 Remshalden Baden-Worttemberg Deutschland. Der Musikverein Buoch e.V. veranstaltet
Wir nutzen diesen Event um uns zu treffen, auszutauschen und zu diskutieren. Im anschliessenden Spaziergan Reichenbacherstr. 2 :73630 Remshalden Buoch
11 am CET
bomboafrika@yahoo dot de
Beginn der Filmvorfhrung mit anschlieendem Gesprch
Emde, Schichaustr. 3-5, 60314 Frankfurt
bisousbisous@web dot de
ELFER MUSIC CLUB Maybachstr. 24 60433 Frankfurt am Main Anfahrt unter
www.11-er.de Mehr Infos unter www.thevenusproject.de
ELFER MUSIC CLUB / Maybachstr. 24 / 60433 Frankfurt am Main / Germany
18:00 Central European Time (GMT +1)
info@thevenusproject dot de
Cologne - Köln
13:00 Uhr Zeitgeist, 16:00 Uhr Addendum Eintritt Frei
Cafe Duddel - Zülpicher Wall 8 (Bhf Süd)
16:00 Uhr Eintritt frei
Zakk - Fichtenstraße 40 - 40233 Düsseldorf
16:00 Uhr
Haus der Jugend, Hamtorwall 18
wendigo-zeitgeist@gmx dot de
Great Britain / United Kingdom
Marlborough Theatre/ Brighton/ Sussex/ England
The Marlborough Theatre, 4 Princes street Brighton BN2 1RD
7:00 pm GMT
brightonzeitgeist@gmx dot co.uk
United Kingdom and Ireland
Edge Media TV
Sky Channel 200
We will be broadcasting Zeitgeist and the Errie Investigation interview with Peter Joseph, to 9,000,000 homes in the UK.
Bolton, Lancashire
The Farmers Arms, Radcliffe Rd, Bolton, BL3 1RU Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
1.30 pm (UK)
gvj@fidgit.co dot uk
Stokes Croft
United Kingdom
The Club, Victoria Place, Carlisle, Cumbria, England
The Club is situated on the left hand side of Victoria Place just before the traffic lights. Just a short walk from the town center and bus station.
7pm to 1am UK GMT
zday2009@hotmail dot com
Tor Leisure, Glastonbury, Somerset. UK
Glastonbury Film & Forum presents Zday, with Chai and Cake from Moon's Orchard Delights!
jae_willis@yahoo dot com
Oaklands College St Albans Campus Room C25 Hertfordshire UK
16:00 Friday 20 March (changed)
pittaway@gmail dot com
The Ship and Mitre, 113 Dale Street
Time TBA
zday@f3thinkers dot info
London, BBC
Increase awareness, join gathering outside BBC, Wood Lane, London; lovingly armed with banners and DVDs (I am funding 1000 FREE DVDs) Questioning why BBC will not air Zeitgeist on UK TV?! Whatever their response this gathering will bring additional media. We will be meeting at BBC Head Quarters at Wood Lane on the 15th March at 11 am. We will have professionally produced dvds to circulate,and plan on spreading awareness to all people we come across in a loving and peaceful manner.
11 am GMT
ZdayBBC@googlemail dot com
London, MUSE Gallery
269 Portobello Road,
Notting Hill,
London, W11 1LR
London, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, United Kingdom
1300 GMT
zdaygoldsmiths@hotmail dot co.uk
London, Torriano bar
London NW5 2SG
London March 16
SOAS JCR, The School of Oriental and African Studies, 1 Russell square
Monday 16th March 16:00 (GMT) till 21:00
Part Film(s) Showing,
Speakers TBC,
Discussion (bring your ideas),
All welcome.
davepickavance@mac dot com
Screening of Zeitgeist Addendum. Back room of The Scolt Head. 107a Culford Road, Dalston, London, N1 4HT. Arrive 6pm onwards.
Screening at 7.30pm.
The Scolt Head, 107a Culford Road, Dalston, London, N1 4HT, UK
zdayuk@gmail dot com
http://zeitgeistuk.ning.com/ this is the official uk zeitgeist forum
were having a camden event on march 15th
afghantank@hotmail.co dot uk
North Yorkshire UK
19th March Zfilm night at Valley Bar Scarborough upstairs room at 7.30pm all are welcome
Scarboroughccc@hotmail.co dot uk
Pentredwr, Llangollen
The Bungalow
Rose Cottage
Wales, UK
Aberystwyth Arts Centre Cinema
12:00 (midday) GMT
Free viewing of Zeitgeist Addendum
More material in planning stage
gsw08@aber.ac dot uk
The Greyhound Inn
The Square
Corfe Castle
BH20 5EZ
8:00 PM
greyhoundzday@gmail dot com
Instow, Bideford, Devon, England
Tapeley Park, in Main Barn
15th of March 7pm, £1 Entry
northdevonactiveyouth@hotmail dot co.uk
station/quality hotel perth
Leonard street
19:00 gmt
Committe Room No2
3rd floor
Glasgow University Students Union (QM)
omairulhaq@live.co dot uk
Aberdeen, Scotland
"King Street Exchange. Showing of both movies."
5pm GMT+0
liailistic@gmail dot com
Maryhill, Glasgow
The Redwood Crowsnest, Flat 3/1 128 Raeberry Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G20 6EG
5pm UK Time
Ossian1980@googlemail dot com
Killarney Co Kerry Ireland
Mangerton Suite Malton Hotel
7.30pm GMT
kingdomawakes@gmail dot com
Dublin, Ireland
Odessa Club
Dame Court
Peter Ruotolo (Organizer of event)
Dundalk Co. Louth Ireland
The Spirit Store Georges Quay
5 Mary Garden, Mary Street North. Dundalk (Co. Louth) Ireland
20:30 (London Time)
maceeli@hotmail dot com
"The Odeon Bar & Restaurant (Formally The Old Harcourt Street Railway Station)
57 Harcourt Street Dublin 2
The Odeon Bar & Restaurant (Formally The Old Harcourt Street Railway Station), dublin 2
claire-belanger@hotmail dot com
Mikrokosmos Prince Filmcenter
L.Sigkrou 106
11:00 to 14:00; 14:30 to 17:30 (+2)cet
info@thezeitgeistmovement dot gr
Crete, Greece
New Square in the old town
Nea Plateia, Rethymno,
20:00 (GMT +02:00)
taftar1975@gmail dot com
Alabastron Café Rock Bar
central square
ants4dinner@yahoo dot com
Katerini City
Red Coffee Bar
Agias Triados 3 – 60100
At Pronoia Perama Piraeus (around 100 seats)
from 18:00 - 22:00 local time
Talk about Zeitgeist and Venus Project
destato@ymail dot com
Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki
School of Engineering
ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ Χώρος: Εναλλακτικός χώρος προβολών
Διεύθυνση: Ζυγομάλλη 7 Ώρες:18:00 έως 20:00 και 20:30 έως 22:30 Σχόλια: Προβολή Addendum Είσοδος Ελεύθ�
Enalaktikos Xoros/Zigomali 7/Ioannina/Greece 18:00 to 20:00 & 20:30 to 22:30 (+2 cet)
zeitmov@hotmail dot com
Mycenae Greece
The Lab Internet Cafe
the_lab@otenet dot gr
Nagypostavölgy 133
7631 Pécs
Time Pending
listvan83@mailbox dot hu
13. Ibolya utca Tatabánya Hungary 2800
foto2000@t-online dot hu
Docuart/Ráday utca 18/Budapest/Hungary
12:00 (GMT +1)
konzulens@gmail dot com
Csontváry street 34./1181 Budapest/Hungary
2:14:00 PM
tomacasa@citromail dot u
Nyergesjfalu, Hungary
Hungary Postal code: 2536, 16 Mihály Váci Street,
Central Europian
bakes.csaba@gmail dot com
Z-Day 2009 Italia
Casa privata (solo su prenotazione).
Via Duca degli Abruzzi n° 1
20:00 (G.M.T. +1)
www.meetup.com/Gli-Amici-di-Beppe-Grillo-Sezione-di-Taranto (BACHECA)
"LEFT è la nuova realtà culturale e politica di Palermo. All'interno di LEFT si svolgono varie attività . Dalla riflessione politica al momento di svago e divertimento tra musica e amici. Ha sede nel centro storico della città . Si trova infatti in vi" LEFT/via degli Schioppettieri 8/PALERMO/ITALIA
zdaypalermo@hotmail dot it
Via San Bernardo 10, Chiaravalle (Ancona)Italy
presentation of Zeitgest and Zeitgeist Addendum
Sunday 15 march Zeitgeist Day @ Squat "La Cupa" in Ancona
andrearefi@libero dot it
Xò Cafè Via Po 46 - Torino tel: 011 876433 sito: www.xocafe.it
lucy.in.the.sky.2012@gmail dot com
atelier 35- circolo arci via valpolicella 35
10:00:00 PM
celebrate@till2012 dot com
Tuscany, Università degli Studi di Siena
San Miniato
Residenza Universitaria
Siena (SI)
20.00 GMT+1 (Rome)
jackpalmieri@tiscali dot it
Poiana Maggiore
Viale dei Martira 12/5
Carrara MS
Via Tenerani, 1 - 54033 -
Centro Carrara Creare Underground
16:00 (GTM +1 Rome)
meetupcarrara@gmail dot com
Rome via G.Massaia n.15 (Garbatella zone)
At 13.00 (01.00pm)In front of the Alice'cafè
morbokup@hotmail dot com
Genova, Italy
Proiezione ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM e discussione.
Casa privata, max 15 persone" Viale Ansaldo 2A/13
21:00 (G.M.T. +1)
sciuparodi@gmail dot com
Contovello 152/Trieste/Italy
sepp.blatter@alice dot it
milazzo via tukory 3, messina italia
mt +100 h rome
maxmst@libero dot it
EUREKA V.le Papiniano 42 - 20123 Milano Tel. 02/89401039 Fax 02/89401072 Numero Verde 800-966028
Time zone: Rome - 15.00-19.00h
zday.mi@gmail dot com
Museo del Territorio, Via Sella Quintino, 59, 13900 Biella (BI)
08:30:00 PM
grillibiellesi@gmail dot com
No.68, St. Lucy Street, Valletta, MALTA
19:30 (GMT +01:00)
ryanpor@gmail dot com
Chisinau Moldova
107 calea orh 2 GTM
vlad_82y@mail dot ru
Kauwgomballenfabriek Studio's
Daniel Goedkoopstraat 10-26
Time: 14.00h till 00.00h
entrance is free and drinks are cheap!
Droevendaalsesteeg 31 6708PB
This Event will take place in a student housing common area.
the movie (ZG. add.)will be shown.
depending on the content of the slideshow, it'll be shown.
a group discussion will be held afterwards.
15:00 (+01:00) GMT
islander3313@hotmail dot com
Tilburg, Trouwlaan 91- D
5021 WE Tilburg
kristel664@hotmail dot com
Location: Cul de Sac
Adres: Heuvel 48
Time: from 16:00
What: Introduction to and showing of 'Zeitgeist Addendum'.
zdaynl@yahoo dot com
Musicon/Musicon Soestdijksekade 345 2574 AL Den Haag/ The Netherland
"There will be a showing of the documentaries and the slide show, we have invited Guestspeakers and singer/songwriters to talk and sing about the things that are discussed in the Zeitgeist movies. confirmed names: Femke japing Stephanie Finegan Fille " s
GMT+1 18:00 - 01:00
irfiej@langweiligkeit dot eu
norge kolbotnveien 37 B
rasb38@hotmail dot com
på Sagene Kulturverksted arrangerer visning av film og diskusjon med fokus på fremtid og muligheter. Fra kl.18.00. Drøbakgate 1, Oslo
Nakło nad Notecią (kujawsko-pomorskie)
Marley Club ul. Gimnazjalna 1 , start o 19.00 (GMT + 1)
goferto@gmail dot com
Gdynia, pomorskie
Gdynia zielona
GMT +01:00
mumakill@o2 dot pl
Politechnika Wrocławska - Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, Wrocław / Budynek A1,
sala 329 --> DKF Politechnika
15.03.2009 - 17:00 (GMT+01:00) Sarajero, Warszawa Skopie, Zagrzeb)
maria.pogrzebska@gmail dot com
av.sidonio pais nº 4 º4º andar porta 3 lisboa
klauze@sapo dot pt
Projecto do filme de 2008 seguido de debate sobre o projecto Zeitgeist.
Dia 15 de Março (Domingo) às 21h30 " Sociedade "Os Artistas" / Rua do Montepio, 10 / Faro / Portugal 21h30 - 2009/03/15
faro1540@gmail dot com
Santa Maria da Feira
Biblioteca Municipal,
Cine-teatro António Lamoso
Casa do Povo
Igreja Matriz (piso cultural)
josemi.fernandes@gmail dot com
Azores, Centro Cultural e de Congressos.
Angra do Heroismo, Azores, Portugal.
Rua das Portas de Santo Antão, 159 - 1º -1150-297 Lisbon
Crew Hassan, Cooperativa cultural
9.30 pm
ccrewhassan@gmail dot com
3080-113 Figueira da Foz
Tubo d'Ensaio d'Artes - Associação Cultural e Recreativa
Rua 9 de Julho, 19-A 1º
15.00 PM
Telf. 233 436 273
URL: www.tubodensaio.com
E-mail: geral@tubodensai dot com
Alcácer do Sal
Escola Primária de Foros de Albergaria
7580 Alcácer do Sal Portugal
macacopintado@gmail.com tlf (+351965629128)
Porto- Portugal
Rua da Alegria 399, 1c -4000-045 Porto- Portugal
18h GMT
zeitgeist.portugal@gmail dot com
Lisboa Portugal
R Vale Santo Antonio
Canceled, listed in error
_cpuctrl presents:
db9 :: Z-Day Edition
Op Art > Lisbon > Portugal
Saturday 14th
23h59 - 07h00
+351 933 216 150
+351 916 297 007
zeitgeist@cpuctrl dot com
Note: Z-GIFT to all visitors until end of stock!
Rua Cândido dos Reis nº 30
16H dia 14 Março
manuel.faria@gmail dot com
Clube Recreativo Charnequense,
Avenida Elias Garcia - Palhais - junto à Igreja. Não faltem
Zday Avenida Elias Garcia - Palhais, Charneca de Caparica, Portugal
15h00 GMT
ljordaofz@gmail dot com
Para quem não conhece, fica mesmo em frente à estação do Metro do Marquês, é uma das casas ao lado de uma igreja.
Casa Viva / Praça Marquês de Pombal 167 / Porto / Portugal
15:00 Western European Time
zdayporto@gmail dot com
Galegas - Barão de São João - Lagos - Portugal
Zeitgeist 1 and 2, slide show, barbeque, kids space, paintwall and more. contact: Tarana: 00351914841213 Galegas - BSJ - Lagos - Algarve -Portugal
14.00 till late
thestudios@live.com dot pt
Romanian Zeitgeist Movement;
Splaiul Unirii 8, Bloc B4, sc 3, apt interfon 51/BUCURESTI/sector 4/Romania
Cu siguranta vom reusi sa schimbam in bine lumea.
cristian.antonescu@imoinvest dot ro
Str .calea rahovei city bucharest
gabriel_stip83@yahoo dot com
1:00 AM
fun_sercive00@yahoo dot com
Job Office. 4 Bucur street, Bucharest, district 1
plesuvescu@achieveglobal dot ro
Str. Moldoveni/ Bucharest / Romania
(GMT+02:00) Athens, Bucharest, Istambul
mmo@inbox dot com
Adrian Carstea str. Nr 13 Bl37 Ap 146
oiliescu@gmail dot com
Club L.A. B.I.R.O.U.
str. Teiul Doamnei 96 (de 3 ori la dreapta dupa block)
01.00 PM, GMT+2.00
zeitgeist.bucharest@gmail dot com
Aurel Vlaicu nr. 54
ap 41 et. 2
12:00 ( +2:00 GMT Bucharest )
bokoru_med@yahoo dot com
METROU - Statia Izvor; RATB
Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta - Piata Mihail Kogalniceanu (61, 66, 69, 70, 85, 90, 91, 92, 137, 268, 336, 601); Splaiul Independentei - Pod Izvor (104, 123, 124)
Eurocinema - Centrul National de Arta "Tinerimea Romana", Romania, Bucuresti, :Sector 5, Str. Johann Gutenberg, nr.19
18:00 (GMT+02:00)
zeitgeist_bucuresti@yahoo dot com
TV show broadcast each Monday at 06.00 PM by the local TV station "Plus TV"
03.15.2009 - 04.30.2009
Name of the show is "Final Edition( Editie Finala )"
editiefinala@yahoo dot com
leonard 10
milanacforever@yahoo dot com
B-dul Muncii h47, ap 7
satu mare:
14:00 (+2 GMT)
tomsy15@yahoo dot com
Voronin Ilya Sergeevitch
Event city: MOSCOW, RUSSIA
Event address: Akademicheskaya Metro Station, 14/3 Kedrova street, "Salut" cinema
Contact phone: +7-903-5143298
SHOWTIME: 21:00-23:00 (enter: 100 rub)
Воронин Илья Сергеевич
Дата рождения: 09.07.1985
Адрес проведения показа: метро Академическая, ул. Кедрова, д.14 строение 3, кинотеатр "Салют"
Контактный телефон: +7-903-5143298
НАЧАЛО: 21:00-23:00
Sochi, Sverdlova 94,25
Cosoy_crot_2005@mail dot ru
On March, 5th on "Sovetskaya Square" annual day of meetings of movement ZEITGEIST will take place!
Sovetskaya Square/Komsamolskaya street/Novomoskovsk/Tula area/Russian Federation
13:20 (+3)
haba87@yandex dot ru
Захарков Руслан Николаевич
Год рождения: 9 апреля 1978 года (30 лет)
Место рождения: г. Стерлитамак
Адрес: 450076 г. Уфа, ул. Аксакова 7, кв. 155
Студентка 675027 Россия, Амурская область,
г.Благовещенск ул.Студенческая 22
Sovietskaya Street House#60 App13
Tver City
Tver State
Eternal Flame(right behind obelisk)
whoisdarkmatter@mail dot ru
Россия, Полевской
Россия, Свердловская обл. г. Полевской 36-26 Полевской
kilroy_noa@mail dot ru
Россия Окатовая4 Владивосток Россия
Far east
acdn.fx@mail dot ru
English school 70, 24 Pobedy st,
Komsomolsk-on-Amure, Russia
12-00 (GMT+10) res1dent@mail dot ru
Привет, Старцева 21-150,
город Пермь 12
sergyotochini@mail dot ru
Kirgizskaya st.21a,45
01:00:00 PM
tecstep@yandex dot ru
CGA Bački Monoštor
Ivana Gorana Kovačića 34/Bački Monoštor/Vojvodina/Srbija
Centar građanskih aktivnosti u Bačkom Monoštoru projekcije filmova Zeitgeist i :Zeitgeist addendum uz raspravu.
Projekcije će početi u 18:00 h.
pansionmitic@yahoo dot com
Srbija, Leskovac
Z-Day okupljanje, od 12:00h, LeskovaÄki gradski park (kod drvene kućice)
intellectwaste@gmail dot com
Serbia, Leskovac, Z-Day gathering, from 12:00 h, LeskovaÄki city park (in wooden boxes)
Aradac, Serbia
Klub Harmonija, Kukucinova 16
18h, GMT+1
godazdenka@yahoo dot com
Community Development Association,
Moše Pijade 19, 19210 Bor
Club Pevac
Svetosavska 13.
Stara Pazova
20h aprox, GMT +1 hours
dekin stan, B.Stevanovica 11, Belgrade, Serbia
(private residence)
zeitgeistbelgrade@gmail dot com
bul. Zorana Djindjica 147/11 11070
ivancalic@hotmail dot com
Višnjički venac 35/11
Prirodnjačko društvo "Gea", Vršac (PDV),
Serbia 20:00 CET
shoom0013@hotmail dot com
Lava Tolstoja, Pirot Vukovarska 4/1a; 18300 Pirot;Serbia
ZDay 2009, Go to the Future, Party in "PS" cafe,
(GTM+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest
makazica@ptt dot rs
Crna kuca, Vojvode Bojovica 13,
Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija
17:00-21:00, CET
zdayns@gmail dot com
dusanova 1, 18230 sokobanja, serbia
02.07 central european time zone
predragzyx@yahoo dot com
Kalemegdan / Belgrade / Serbia
12h (UTC +01:00)
Okupljanje kod Pobednika na Kalemegdanu u podne bez obzira na vremenske uslove.
zeitgeist.serbia at gmail.com
Slovak Republic
Duklianska Ulica
midnight caffé
16:00 (central european)
bifff@orangemail dot sk
Bratislava, Aupark, Palace Cinemas
Moved to Bratislava, SubClub (below)
Bratislava, SubClub
17:00 central EU time.
"Peace love and light"
zeitgeist.sk@gmail dot com
rastadanko@yahoo dot com
Venue Name - Prešernov trg
Location - centre
Time with time zone - 13:00 (GMT+01:00)
zeitgeistljubljana@gmail dot com
We intend to distribute DVD`s and share informations about the movement. The main event will take place in centre of Ljubljana, on the Preseren square (by Preseren statue) starting at 13:00. Later in the evening, at cca 18:00 will be presentation of movies in Lepa zoga pub, near Tivoli park.
Nameravamo deliti DVDje in informacijsko gradivo o gibanju mimoidočim. Glavni dogodek bo v strogem centru Ljubljane, na Prešernovem trgu (pri njega spomeniku), začenši ob 13h. Kasneje proti večeru, nekje okrog 18h, bo predvajanje filmov v baru Lepa žoga pri Tivoliju.
Kranj, Slovenia
Zeitgeist Festival Sobota 14. 3 0b 19:00 Golliwog Pankeroshi Paraziti p.13 Tri for 60 La Chupacabra Vstopnine ni!
zankamr@gmail dot com
Delavski dom Trbovlje
Trg svobode 11a
1420 Trbovlje
Time pending
akdt2008@gmail dot com
Mladinski Kulturni Center,
Kulturni dom Krško
(Culture Center Krško)
TIME = 18.00
Zagorje ob Savi
V prostorih: kluba zasavskih študentov, Zagorje ob Savi
Europe - Slovenija - Zagorje ob Savi
15.3.2009, 16.00
naredi.sam@gmail dot com
Cafe Scream: pri Comtronu oziroma Tuš Cash & Carry
16.00 (local time, UTC +1.00)
ziga.brdnik@gmail dot com
Koroški mladinski klub Slovenj Gradec (MKC)
MKC/Mladinski center/2380 Slovenj Gradec/Slovenj Gradec/Slovenia
16.00 gmt+1
tomaz.stumpfl@amis dot net
Nedelja, 15.3. Zeitgeist 2 - Addendum Ob 20
00 Režija in scenarij: Peter Joseph*ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM* Pomoč pri projektu: Jacque Fresco, Roxanne Meadows, www.thevenusproject.com, John Perkins, www.dreamchange.org Svetovni Z dan št.2, 15. marec "
CELJE, vodnikova 14, Slovenija 20
subkultura@subkultura dot si
Šklab, Klub Zasavskih študentov
Adress /Cesta zmage 7, 1410 Zagorje ob Savi /Slovenia
05:00:00 PM
kudknap@knap dot si
University of Bask Country
Edificio Pio Baroja 12 o'clock
San Sebastian, Spain
Puerto de mazarron, murcia, Spain
calle poetisa josefa lorente, 6 - 3ºb
lourmann@hotmail dot com
Islas canarias,federico viera
nº15 4º izq,las palmas de gran canaria,las palmas,españa
dosuvesee@yahoo dot es
Campus UPV (Acceso con carnet)
Casa del Alumno (Edificio 4K) Sala de Grados I
17:00 Gmt+1
ravana3@hotmail dot com
Manacor (Mallorca) Spain
Cafè Ca'n Lliro
Joan Lliteres Street, N. 42
Time pending
"Coyote Ugly" (puerto) Alicante,Spain
20:00 h
Estepona, Málaga
Venue Name: Finca "El Casucho"
Location: Camino del Padrón, Calle Las Adelfas Nº 51
Time with time zone: 17:00
casucho@hotmail dot com
Madrid, C/ Lope de Rueda 50,
Madrid, Spain. 28009
Madrid, tengo + de mil personas esperando a que digais, donde y como, un saludo
c-bulebar de la naturaleza 1-madrid-madrid-españa
ljauwa@gmail dot com
Lago del Parque del Retiro at 16.00 p.m.
Brainstorming with Lavadero de Lavapies:
Sala Off-Limits
C/. Escuadra 11,
at 19,00 p.m.
assistance confirmation by e-mail: invernadero.lavapies@gmail.com
Ateneo C/ Prado 21 28014 Madrid
11.30 am
info@somosuno dot es
Sevilla, España
El Perro andaluz
c/ Bustos Tavera #11
22:00 hrs
Universidad de Granada
de Granada
Málaga (España)
Reunión en casa particular
19 horas
Urb. Pueblo Mijitas 46-F (Mijas Golf) Málaga
boinra129@hotmail dot com
Ibiza, Baleares
Out of Time, Plaza del Parque
It is an alternative bar / tea shop / esoteric library, located in the center of Ibiza city.
08.00 PM (GMT +1.00)
eva@ibizarre dot com
Radio City, C/ Santa Teresa 19
20:30, CET
Radio City, www.radiocityvalencia.com
iggy@radiocityvalencia dot com
Valencia (Benimaclet)
Centro Cultural Filhos de Angola
Hermanos Villalonga, 19
micorreotemporal@gmail dot com
Segorbe, El Antro, Obispo Canubio 16, Segorbe, Castellon, Spain
15.00 Gmt+1 COMIENZO
leejlennon@gmail dot com
Barcelona, Parc de la Ciutadella
10.00 - 13.00: Activitats infantils (tallers de malabars, jocs, dansa, parkour, teatre, ...).
13.00 - 15.00: Dinar comú (que tothom porti menjar de casa seva).
15.00 - 17.00: Pase diapositives o documental Zeitgeist Addendum.
zeitgeistbarcelona@hotmail dot com
Castellar del Vallès Barcelona, Spain
enbluejones@gmail dot com
teixeira0008@gmail dot com
Trastorno antonio maura, 4. tarifa, cádiz
Info from 10.00am, presentation at 8.00pm
Trastorno, antonio maura, 4. tarifa, cádiz, Spain
From 10.00am spanish time
mrerabbit@gmail dot com
Sanctuary, Fiskabäck 103, 27755 Brösarp, Sweden
2 p.m.
sanctuary.circle@gmail dot com
Oikos Community
Trollebergsvägen, 2
dorhache@yahoo dot fr
Medborgarplatsen 11826 Stockholm. 1500-2100: Walla Scen at Walla Torg 53 A ÅRSTA. At Medborgarplatsen 0900-1400
we will hand out flyers and DVDs with Zeitgeist Addendum. There will be two showings of Zeitgeist Addendum at Walla Scen. One :Höjdgatan 11, 149 32 NYNÄSHAMN Sweden 0900-2100 GMT +0100
killen894@hotmail dot com
Södertörns university in Flemingsberg outside Stockholm
Terapivägen 10A /141 55 Huddinge / Sweden
Monday 16th of march +01:00
micke.andersson@swedishchef dot se
To find your way to Walla Scen, take the Tvärbanan train from Gullmarsplan or Alvik to Valla Torg. Then head down/south to the town square, Walla Scen is visible to the left. Walla Scen/Valla Torg 53A/Årsta/Stockholm/Sweden
15:00 and 19:00 (CET = GMT+1)
johan.ryden@mp dot se
Lausanne, ZINEMA
didiermail@hotmail dot com
"Salle de la Grange Projection puis débat"
1, Ch de la Fontaine, 1752 Villars-s-Glâne, SUISSE
14:30 CET
jeveuxvivrelibre@yahoo dot fr
Une présentation vidéo sous titrée en français vous sera présentée à l'EPFL, dans le bâtiment CM et la salle CM2. Cet évènement a lieu grâce au Ciné-Club EPFL que nous remercions!
http://cineclub.epfl.ch/ Adresse: EPFL, 1015 Lausanne "
EPFL - Ecublens (Lausanne), Salle CM2 environ 18h
zdayevent@bldesign dot ch
Lieu : 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne (FR), Chemin de la Fontaine 1
Heure : Dès 14h30
Infos : jeveuxvivrelibre@yahoo dot fr
Host: Zeitgeist Hareketi-Zamanin Ruhu-Zeitgeist
ZDAY İstanbul
15:00 - 20:00
Greenland Çay Bahçesi
Batıköy Mh. Sinanoba Mevkii Billur Cad. Mimarsinan Emlak Konut Lisesi karşı
ZDAY İstanbul 2
16 March 2009
10:00 - 13:30
İstanbul Üniversitesi Öğrenci Kültür Merkezi Sinema Salonu
16 Mart Şehitleri Cd
Beyazıt, Turkey
15 Mart Pazar günü sizleri B.Çekmece Sinanoba daki Greenland Çay Bahçesine bekliyoruz. Kapasite 300 kişi dir. Facebooktaki etkinliğin linki
Pazar günü gelemeyecek olanlar, Pazartesi günü İstanbul Üniversitesi Öğrenci Kültür Merkezindeki ZDAY :İstanbul 2 ye katılabilirler. ZDAY İstanbul 2 ye ulaşmak için link:
Istanbul, Cakmak Mh. Adivar Sk. Vural
Apt. No:17 D:8 Umraniye
Istanbul, İSMET İNÖNÜ CAD. SÜSEN Apt. BinaNo
11 Daire:2
selimycl@windowslive dot com
başakşehir onurkent, street D2 no:34 home:29
dicle ünv/diyarbakır/turkiye
dicle ünv lojmanları
10a..m to 20 pm. in turkey time
cccbozkurttt@hotmail dot com
319 st no
40 d:4 Betonyol/konak/İzmir
tamerakgunduz@gmail dot com
23 sokak no
9/1 guzelyali/izmir 35290 turkey
esatersan@gmail dot com
Çayyolu / Ankara / TURKEY
14:00 - 18:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours)
zeitgeistankara@hotmail dot com
Three bayonets/The prospectus of 200 years of Kherson 32/Kherson/Ukraine
The password.
22:00 (Kiev)
dugara@meta dot ua
Korpus 2
50 Solovievo 22 Gurzuf Krym Ukraina Home
Lviv, Ukraine
City center.
Time Pending
в Киеве на Европейской площади
14:00 по Киеву
deo1@voliacable dot com
ukraine transcarpathian reg. khust city duhnovicha2 90400
16/17 keramichnaya st. khust 90400 ukraine
sklmaster@bigmir dot net
Vladimirskaya 45a, Kiev, Ukraine
Украина, Киев
16.00 Local Time
iluha.ua@gmail dot com
Asia and Pacific
Daylesford, Victoria, Australia
We will be screening the movie ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM at 2pm and an official Zeitgeist activist slideshow presentation at 4:30pm at the Door 3 ARTS BASE - East st. Daylesford.
10 Gundagai St Goolwa SA
12:00 pm GMT
Screening Zeitgeist:The Movie on Saturday 14th at 7:30pm, and Zeitgeist Addendum on Sunday 15th March, 2009.
LFilms projected onto wall in front room. Discussion may follow films, all more than welcome.
834a High St Thornbury, VIC, Australia
7:00pm Eastern DLS time
loophole@shiftingspace.coop dot com
The Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts – Mitchell Theatre - Level One
280 Pitt Street, near the corner of Bathurst Street and close to Town Hall station.
9am to 12.30pm; 3 to 5.30pm & 6.30 to 8.30pm
dialogue_quest@hotmail dot com
Uki, NSW
Cinema Under the Stars
Behind Uki Buttery in Uki.
Mosman, NSW canceled
Perth Western Australia
The Velvet Lounge Beaufort St Mt Lawley
March 15 Doors open 7pm Start 8pm
ivanborgnino@hotmail dot com
Perth Western Australia
Playing fields at town of Dunsborough
Through rural cinema (portable)
8:00 PM est.
themusicshed@hotmail dot com
Melbourne, Victoria
MckillopSt Bar & Restaurant
14 Mckillop St Melbourne
5 PM
Mobile: 0408 872 386
Griffith, Canberra
Om Shanti College, Upstairs at Griffith Shops, Barker St
AEST 12:00 noon to 4:00pm
grant@flightoffire.com dot au
South Launceston
Tasmania 7249
+61400 577 040
3 Leslie Place
11:00am EST
Mitchhh_@hotmail dot com
We're having a small get together with fearless individuals who're leaders in their field (whatever the field may be) who are open to the ideas promoted in the films, and the questioning of widely accepted ideas promoted by so-called "civilised" Glitch Bar/318 St George's Rd Nth Fitzroy/Melbourne/Victoria/Australia
askthebirds@yahoo dot com
lota, QLD, Australia
in my garage. 15 bridgewater place,
josh_overbye@hotmail dot com
Botantical Gardens, Brisbane QLD
Gathering in the Botanical Gardens to discuss Z-Day and other Zeitgeist related topics. Will be held in the gazebo at the main entrance on the corner of Alice and Albert St at 2pm. All Welcome.
2pm Sunday Eastern Standard Time
maxwellcato@gmail dot com
Beijing, China
wycandg@163 dot com
Ping Paradise, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100
Public road / Beijing Industrial University / Beijing / Beijing / China
zxykid2046@hotmail dot com
Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China Huiyang District Wanshun Rd, Danshui Town, No. 82
superrudy@163 dot com
5Floor 343 Jiaozhou Road near Wuding Road - Jing An 胶州路343号5楼, shanghai, china
ask the guard to open the gate!
9pm local
francesco_gatti@hotmail dot com
Rishabh Kapoor Manipal, Karnataka,Inda
the event is located in our Library Auditorium. There is a maximum capacity of 300 people. We have university exams from 16,17,18 hence I have decided to show it on 23rd march. There is a strong reason for this as people will not come one day before exams
zeitgeist_india@live dot in
T.M.A Pai Planetarium in Kasturba Medical College campus
March 15, 2009 1700-2100 & MIT Library Auditorium in MIT campus March 23, 2009 1700-2100
Manipal University, Kasturba Medical College
T.M.A. Pai Planetarium
Manipal, Karnataka INDIA
1700-2100 (GMT +530)
Zeitgeist_India@live dot in
Goa, India
"The Zeitgeist Movement Day" will be held at the pool side (open air) of the Hotel "Laguna Anjuna"
There will be space for app. 200 People. Screening, of slide show and movie will start by 19.00hrs. Please come early. Dinner available
Hotel Laguna Anjuna, Anjuna,
19.00 local time
bolenat@gmx dot de
Bombay (IITB), Powai, Mumbai, India;
Engineering Undergraduate students of Indian Institute of Technology
ananova.strix@gmail dot com)
krish.kshir@gmail dot com)
dinesh.dharme@gmail dot com
are organising a movie show"Zeitgeist Addendum' in their hostel premises on March 14 2200 hrs (IST)
Jalan Umalas 2 - Bali - Indonesia
Pulp Art , Juceteria
6 pm (singapore time zone )
durga10055@gmail dot com
Fukuoka Pref, Fukuoka City, Hakata Town
Date: March 15th Time: from 2PM (14:00)
Place: Fukuoka higashi, Chuo ku, Imaizumi, 10-21-1, Wingbox 6F, ROOMS(bar)
福岡県福岡市中央区今泉1-21-10 ウイングボックス6F ROOMS
Cost: FREE - refreshments are available at your own expe
Fukuoka, Japan from 2PM Tokyo time
fun.fukuoka@gmail dot com
Osaka, Japan 530-0057
The Blarney Stone 6F Sonezaki Centre Building, 2-10-15 Sonezaki, Kita-ku,
6pm, March 15 2009
Zeitgeist will be screened in English with Japanese subtitles.
Contact Simon for more det
osakazday@gmail dot com
Fudeno Bldg 2F 3-8-12, Koenji Kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
9:00 JST (UTC+9)
A map to the event location can be viewed at: http://keita.trio4.nobody.jp/shop/12/map.html"
zeitgeist.tokyo@gmail dot com
Tereya Cafe in Ushimado, Okayama, Japan
Tereya Cafe , Ushimado cho 4178, Setouchi shi, Okayama, Japan
11:30 to 6:00
kobayashiteresa@rocketmail dot com
Seoul, redemption bar,405-4
seokyo-dong, mapo-gu,seoul SOUTH KOREA.
sug_donut@yahoo dot com
Seoul, Korea
ASEM Tower, Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu,
Korea/Japan time
Martyrs Square, Downtown
Beirut, Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon
Art Lounge, Karantina
Art Lounge is right next to the Adams Vinegar factory in Karantina
09:30:00 PM
bbarrage@hotmail dot com
Mind Body Library, Stadium Gate,
Tripureswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Interaction - Lunch at The Quest Mind Body Library, Stadium Gate, Tripureswor, Kathmandu.
Pls let us know if you would like to have lunch with us.
For further details and directions, www.thequest.org.np/news.html
Pls confirm your participation by 12 March.
Language : English
10 AM - 6 PM, NST 14 and 15 March
die2love2live@hotmail dot com
Phone 4279712 (8AM-10AM and 7PM-9 PM) SMS 9841-896-000
New Zealand
Big marque at the outlet (when you get on the outlet road keep your eye out for signs and a big tent)
Outlet motor camp
12am 15th March till late
benjammin511@gmail dot com
Academy Cinema
50 Dundas Street
16:00 (GMT +13)
dunedinzday@gmail dot com
YMCA, 77 Tay Street, Invercargill, New Zealand
(up stairs in pilates room)
(UTC/GMT +13 hours)
(UTC/GMT +13 hours)
11 am Slide show and Zeitgeist the movie
3pm Slide show and Zeitgeist Addendum
zeitgeistinvercargill@gmail dot com
University of Auckland, Auckland City
10 AM ( GMT +12)
ipshita_nz@hotmail dot com
Earthsong 457 Swanson Road
7.30pm (UTC/GMT +13 hours)
zeitgeist@digitnz dot com
Catheral Square, Christchurch, New Zealand
Meet in the Square at 2pm. Please help us inform the public about The Zeitgest Movement. Can you man the stall, hand out flyers and stickers? Bring discs with copies of the movies and Activist Orinentation Guides if possible.
02:00:00 PM
rebecca_bloomer1@hotmail dot com
State Bulacan
City Sta. Maria
Venue Name Rodel's Residence
Location: Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Time with time zone: 02:00:00 PM GMT +8
jerrymarcial@yahoo dot com
BLSI, #35 Pinsao Proper,Baguio City Philippines
Contact: (+63) 9214815806 for more information
Nong Khai, Thailand @
Mut Mee Guest House- 1111/4 Kaeworawut Road/ Nong Khai/ Thailand/ 43000
20:00 GMT +7
Mut Mee Guest House on the river floating bar/restaurant downstairs.
leedabonita@hotmail dot com
soi wiang bua, tanin market
CHIANG MAI, 50200, thailand
17:00 hrs (5 p.m.) (GMT + 7)
the spirit house is located near tanin market. write to us and we send you a map. please register before march 7th for confirming your seat and let us know if you'd like to have dinner as well. you can also call laurent at 0816 726308 or uli 0831 535052
zeitgeist.chiangmai@gmail dot com
Taipei City
Venue: Bliss 148 Hsinyi Road, Sec 4 (台北信義路四段148號)
Time: 7:00 pm
powdersurfer75@hotmail dot com